A ready supply of the right type of rail cars is essential for the efficient operation of a steel mill. Although we’ve been able to meet that need for one of our major customers—ArcelorMittal—the single-track access to their major Burns Harbor complex presented operational challenges.
We supply a variety of equipment, including coil cars, gondolas, and flatcars in significant numbers from our Burnham Yard. In the past, those movements sometimes conflicted with switching operations that were underway in the steel mill’s yard. Delays resulted.
We determined that this growing customer would be best served if we made a capital investment in the form of a second track. This would permit us to stage cars for delivery when the customer wasn’t yet ready to receive them, and still leave the original track open for other operations.
In late December we completed construction of a 2,000-foot second-track, with storage capacity for 32 cars.
This investment by CSS has created new flexibility to manage rail car movements efficiently. We look forward to the continuation of this important, long-term relationship with our biggest customer.